Prairie Notes #40: Wild Queendom

Prairie Notes are monthly photo/journal observations from Tandy Hills Natural Area by Founder/Director, Don Young. They include field reports, flora and fauna sightings, and more, mixed with a scoop of dry humor and a bit of philosophy. They are available free to all who get on the FOTHNA email list.

Wild Queendom

Prairie Notes #40

March 17, 2010

For weeks now I've been feeling like an expectant father, pacing the halls of Tandy Hills Natural Area, waiting for Mother Nature to deliver Spring 2010. Trout Lilies were nice but, the "harbingers of Spring" have all but left the building, their trout-speckled leaves fading into the big green of April.

In their place, a circus of color is slowly setting up shop - unfurling, unfolding, unraveling and unleashing breathtaking acts from the depths of the limestone underground. Grasses, too, are silently twisting and drilling their way to the light above the wild queendom that is Tandy Hills.

Seeps are bubbling; creek-beds are making music with running water; Hawks, Monarchs and honeybees float under sunny skies; mammals, snakes and lizards are cautiously peeking out from their cover, getting ready for a spin on the wheel of life. Spring at THNA is alive and well.

Come on in and see for yourself.

Come to the meadow on April 24th for Prairie Fest and help us, "keep it like it was."


Praire Notes #41: Prairie Fest Summary


-Special edition- prairie Fest notes_2010